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What is scrum?

         What is scrum?

Scrum is a term often used by people working on software. It described as an application development method. Along with Scrum, it would be useful to focus on the development structure of the observer, whose main goal is to develop, and to develop a modern system in addition to obtaining a recurring infrastructure in the process. Since one of the most important factors will be the assumption or assumption.

          At this point, it will be useful to evaluate the following three main points.

  1. The concept of transparency is one of the main features of this system. If you want to ensure that a project can be successful, it is an added value to ensure that advances and challenges in this area are stored in library coding and tracked by everyone or managed by developers. This saves time and helps you achieve better results.
  2. One of the main responsibilities of software vendors is to ensure that research and development related to the system is implemented in the system. If you want to make the most of these tasks, it will be useful to pay attention to the timely conduct of the necessary inspections. When it comes to products, it is important to ensure that parts or function systems are inspected regularly. The error rate on controlled systems will be minimized, so it will be possible to obtain better software.
  3. The adaptation process provides us with the most basic results of R&D activities on software systems. With the activities to be carried out in this area, you will have a lot more information about the requirements of the system, as well as you will be able to eliminate uncertainties with prototype adaptations that you will make in advance. With each adaptation, it will be possible to take one step closer to the success of the result.

The scrum process is initially called product backup and continues as a sprint backlog.

After this process, the concept of time comes to the fore, and the necessary R&D work is planned for 24 hours – 30 days or more, and finally we are faced with the name of software growth.

Roles in the scrum process mainly begin as interaction, product owner, i.e. product owner. The Scrum Manager is defined and started based on the user or user groups. In systems of interaction with managers and teams, the focus is on a system that takes into account the risk of role abuse.

Daily meetings are held and sprint reviews are analyzed. Retrospective, that is, the past is taken, then the mistakes of the past are checked and directed to more effective work for the future.

If scrum building blocks are to be analyzed, people should mainly know about the content of the product. At this point, the content system of the product will be developed. And it will be possible to know for whom and why this work will be prepared, to collect (combine) the relevant scenarios. By defining the content of the sprint, it is useful to choose a board. And that on which we can read all the tasks with a four-column structure to achieve the goal. Finally, a system that you can analyze by analyzing end-of-work schedules will be useful.

The result is that “Scrum is a management process.”