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Product ownership

Product ownership is the person who sets the roadmap for a product to be realized through the Scrum approach by identifying and prioritizing the “functions” to be acquired.

Asgar İsmayılov

Local expert

Asgar Ismayilov,  was the director of Agile Coach for 2 years and owned the product for 4 years

Syllabus and information
Syllabus and information

Course information

16 Session

2 Sessions a week

302 Hours

17-21 Meeting Hours

About program

 Product ownership is the person who sets the roadmap for a product to be realized through the Scrum approach by identifying and prioritizing the “functions” to be acquired.Through this program, learn by which criteria the role of Product Owner, responsible for maximizing the value of the resulting Product or Services, which is the main product of the projects, should comply with international standards.

UNEC approved certification program

You will have all the modern digital marketing knowledge from zero to professional level.

32 hours of
practical training

The whole learning process, consisting of 29 topics, was designed using the "Listen - Learn - Apply" method

Mentoring for 2 months after training

We will be with you during the practical application of the learned knowledge

Course topics

1. Agile

What is Agile

Why do we need agile

Understand the principles of agile

2. Agile functions

Agile team performance

The role of communication in Agile

Diagonal functionality


3. Scrum

Scrum roles

Scrum events

Scrum simulation

4. Product Owner and key responsibilities:

Introduction to flexible foundations

Product group members

Communicate with stakeholders

5. Establishment of a new product company

Team star map

Team reduction

Responsibilities of team members

6. Creating the Vision and backlog of product

Creating a background

Understand what backlog items are

Understand what a user story is

Understand what a technical story is

Value Offer Canvas

Working Skeleton

Prioritize the remaining work

7. What is increment

Product cost planning

Release planning

8. Product planning

Understand who the interested party is

Understand who the customer is

9. Sprint planning

The role of the Product Owner in sprint planning

Understand how backlog items will be described

Expert: Asgar İsmayılov

Asgar Ismayilov, who has been working in the field of informatics for more than 10 years, works as a “Product Owner” at Kapital Bank.

He was the director of Agile Coach for 2 years and owned the product for 4 years.

They have experience in digital IVR, interactive voice assistant and in-bank Customer Relationship Management (CRM) applications.

Professional Scrum Product Owner (PSPO) and Professional Scrum Master (PSM).

He participated in Kapital Bank’s agile transformation in 2019-2020 and received professional training on Agile and Product ownership..

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